Beginner Guide To Influencer Marketing In 2023
On a faithful Monday morning, we were having our usual meeting on Monday. Suddenly, Bella Victor brought to our notice how necessary it was to integrate Influencer Marketing into our digital campaigns. It dawned on me how vital it is to always think about the influencers. What is Influencer Marketing? Influencer marketing implies that companies work with folks of influence to assist them with their online marketing. Influencer marketing aims to spot the most influential people in your niche, and you’ll approach them to work with you to promote your brand. What is an Influencer? An influencer is someone who has the capacity to have an effect on the purchase choices of others. This term will do that as a result of he has authority, knowledge, position, and/or a special relationship together with his audience. He is sometimes somebody who features a vital following in an exceedingly specific niche, and he actively engages with them. The size of an influencer’s following can depend on the dimensions of the niche he or she chooses to work in. Thus, there will be more followers of fashion than there are devotees of Greek mythology. As the internet has matured, certain individuals have established reputations as digital superstars. These areas unite the individuals we tend to concede to be influencers. These influencers have engineered reputations for being consultants above all niches. They may have established a palmy diary on the topic. However, they may have created videos and uploaded them to a relevant YouTube channel. Typically, they need to operate active and well-liked social media accounts, wherever they offer opinions, ideas, tips, and recommendations concerning their specialist topic. Influencers spend considerable time building their brand and cultivating their audience. If the influencers perceive that your product may benefit their followers, then they will be happy to work with you. They are going to be ready to lend their name, expertise, and authority to promote your product to their followers. There is one caveat to the present, though. Influencer promoting can solely work if you sell a top-quality product. If your product is shoddy, sub-standard, or worse than your competitors, then no quantity of bribing influencers can cause you to repeat sales. Indeed, no real influencer will want to work with you. Why do you need Influencer Marketing? According to a poll from Infolinks, half of the internet users never click on online ads and 35% click on less than five ads per month. Perhaps you have tried social media marketing. This has some potential. People spend a considerable time nowadays browsing through their various Social media threads. But there is a problem. Who is going to see your social media status? Unless you have built massive audiences, you are unlikely to have much reached. Social media networks have made things more difficult for you. They want your advertising dollars, so they make it hard for you to reach people with organic posts. Recent changes to Facebook have compounded this further. They have adjusted news feeds to favor status updates from friends and family and reduced the visibility of business pages. Most people on social media have a network of a few hundred “friends.” These people will have a wide range of interests and tastes. Often, their only common factor is that they are friends with the same person. They may be a family member of that person, a friend, a work colleague. However, they may just be somebody who plays the same game, or who has a single interest in common. It can be difficult to market on social media. Yet, influencers are different. They have cultivated audiences of like-minded people. In some cases, these support bases are gigantic and colossal even. Imagine how many relevant people you could target with a quality influencer, then if you try a marketing method with more random targeting. The scattershot approach to marketing yields erratic results. Some firms succeed in building successful online identities to the point they become influencers themselves. Red Bull has managed to scale the pinnacle of social media success. But to most firms that is an elusive dream. It is usually much easier to find influencers and work with them. Afterward, you rely on their audiences to spread your message more than it is to build a substantial engaged audience yourself. Influencer marketing is different from traditional advertising. One significant difference is the type of relationship you need to establish with your influencers. Many businesses, notably large corporate organizations, have traditionally kept tight control over their brand and marketing. This approach is not overly useful in influencer marketing. Influencers established their prestige before you ever came on the scene. Even if you operate a well-known brand, you cannot expect to leverage much control over your influencers. You may pay them well, but you do not employ them. Their followers want to hear what the influencers wish to say not your message. They are not searching for your “opportunity.” This is one of the core differences between traditional outbound marketing and the new breed of inbound marketing. With inbound marketing, the customer comes to you. You can’t dictate the terms as you could before. It is the organizations that try to keep tight control over their influencers who generally face the most disappointing results. The essence of successful influencer marketing is trust. You cannot get away from the core fact that consumers trust influencers more than they do brands. Successful influencer marketing creates a win-win situation. You as the brand wins. The influencer wins. The followers of the influencer win. If you can achieve this triple strike, then your influencer marketing campaign will have been a success. The Future of Influencer Marketing In 2021, the future of influencer marketing looks rosy. It solves many of the issues faced by traditional marketing, for instance, audience fragmentation on conventional media, and banner blindness with online marketing. In many ways, influencer marketing is still rising. But, It is still new enough to be considered innovative. It
What is Search Engine Marketing And How Does It Work?
Every search query produces millions of search engine result pages. And if you want to rank on the top pages for keywords with high search volume, you need to do more than search engine optimization. A great alternative would be to leverage search engine marketing which has been improved to help you take up strong ranking positions on the search engine results. With SEM, you can be at the top of all search engine results for a keyword or group of keywords. If you’re not so familiar with search engine marketing (SEM), this article will give you all the information you need to understand it. Furthermore, you will see how you can set up your own advertising campaign on Google using PPC. What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? Search engine marketing (SEM) is a type of Internet marketing strongly focused on the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising. SEM may adopt search engine optimization (SEO), which changes or alters website content and site architecture to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages to improve pay-per-click (PPC) listings. Why is SEM Vital? The number of consumers researching and shopping for products online continues to rapidly increase. And this increase subsequently demands that product owners seek innovative ways to get their customers. Hence, search engine marketing has become a vital online marketing strategy for increasing the reach of a business. In fact, the majority of novel visitors to a website discover it after they’ve completed a query using the search engine. In search engine marketing, advertisers pay for impressions that result in visitors, making it an efficient way for a company to push out its marketing dollars. As an added bonus, each visitor helps to gravely improve the website’s rankings in organic search results. As consumers input search queries with an intention of discovering commercial data, they are in an excellent state of mind to make a purchase, compared to other sites such as social media where users are not intentionally searching for something. Search marketing hits consumers at a perfect time: when they can access recent information. Unlike most digital advertising, PPC advertising is non-intrusive and does not interfere with any activities they want to execute. You can achieve measurable and immediate results with SEM. It is arguably the fastest way to drive traffic to a website. How Does SEM Work? Search engine marketing has a process it dutifully follows, and you must follow this pattern if you want to make your SEM efficient and bring the best results for you. In a nutshell, SEM works with five efficient methods that include: Keyword Research and Analysis This aspect of SEM is interested in indexing sites on the search engine discovering the most relevant and popular keywords for the site and its products, and using those keywords on the site in a manner that draws traffic consistently. A constant effect of keyword analysis and research is the search perception impact. Search perception impact mirrors the useful impact of a brand’s search results on consumer perception, including title and meta tags, site indexing, and keyword focus. Because online searching is usually the first step for potential consumers/customers, the search perception impact gives the brand an individualized persona. Website Saturation and Popularity There are many websites with content that never make it to search engines. They can analyze this through the number of pages of the site that are indexed by search engines (saturation) and how many backlinks the site has (popularity). This aspect demands pages to contain keywords people are searching for and ensure that they rank high enough in search engine rankings. Most search engines add link popularity in their ranking algorithms. Back-end Tools These are web analytic tools and HTML validators that provide information on a website and its visitors and allow the success of a website to be measured. They range from simple traffic counters to tools that work with log files to more sophisticated tools. These tools can deliver conversion-related information. The validators check the invisible parts of websites, highlighting potential problems and many usability issues and ensuring websites meet W3C code standards. Whois Tools Whois tools show the owners of various websites and also give valuable insight relating to copyright and trademark issues. Google Mobile-Friendly Web Checker This test will analyze a URL and report if the page has a mobile-friendly design. SEO vs SEM SEM is the bigger body that accommodates SEO. SEM includes both paid search results and organic search results (SEO). Under SEM, you utilize paid advertising with AdWords or Bing Ads, pay per click (because of its direct click link), article submissions, advertising, and quality SEO. Every keyword analysis is run for both SEO and SEM, but not necessarily simultaneously. SEM and SEO both need to be monitored and updated frequently to reflect developing best practices. In some contexts, the term SEM can be described as pay-per-click advertising, particularly in the commercial advertising and marketing communities interested in a simpler definition. However, this definition eliminates the wider search marketing community engaged in other forms of SEM, such as search retargeting. The link between SEO and PPC expresses a vital part of the SEM concept. Hence, when two different teams without unity of purpose work on a particular project, it will mean their goals might crumble, as these two parts work together. The aim of both SEO and PPC is fully using visibility in search and thus, all actions to achieve it should be centrally coordinated. Both teams can reap from setting shared goals and combined metrics, evaluating data together to know future strategy, or discuss which of the tools works better to get the traffic for selected keywords in the national and local search results. How To Succeed At SEM Succeeding at SEM requires teamwork, working knowledge of the system, and a great budget If you don’t have can bring in the steady flow of traffic to the marketing funnel.
Common Digital Marketing Mistakes By Small Business Owners
Digital marketing is vital if you want to scale your business faster, but if you rush in without the right digital marketing agency to guide you or market strategy, you will crash faster than you imagined. Although you might not totally avoid all the digital marketing mistakes while growing your business, you will avoid some of the gruesome ones that can run you down. Hence, this article will focus on those common digital marketing mistakes made by small business owners. Why do Small Businesses Make Digital Marketing Mistakes? While there are several small businesses in a broad range of industries that perform well and are continuously profitable, 20% of small businesses fail in the first year, 50% go belly up after five years, and only 33% make it to 10 years or longer, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA). To keep your business safe, you need to understand the key things that lead to business failure. The next line of action would be to discover ways to manage the risks or totally avoid the situations from spurring from time to time. Conclusively, businesses fail for so many reasons, but a lack of capital or funding, holding onto an inadequate management team, having a faulty infrastructure or business model, and working on unsuccessful marketing initiatives are highly common. Common Digital Marketing Mistakes Made By Small Business Owners There are a lot of digital marketing mistakes that can cause your business minimal trouble, and there are a few that can cripple that arm of your business. In choosing a place to avoid, it’s advisable you choose the latter as a business professional. Some of the most common gruesome digital marketing mistakes include: 1. Poor Targeting Even if a business was to invest huge investment sums into marketing and the entire production process, they wouldn’t recover their money if they keep targeting the wrong audience. Targeting the wrong audience is like pouring water into a stream – it has no effect. Marketing is only effective when you set your target on the right audience. If you market to the wrong people, your content will fall on deaf ears—for no other reason than they don’t need your services, or aren’t in a position to purchase them. For example, someone selling women’s clothing and targeting men will keep building recurring losses. Although some men might pick up some clothes for their children or spouses, it won’t be the same purchasing power when women are buying for themselves. 2. Failed Marketing Tactics Having a wonderful product is a vital aspect of any business that can scale, however, it never ends there. Although there might be a stellar product, the right marketing tactics that will help the products get to the market that needs it must accompany it. A good marketing strategy will not only help you easily convert your leads to customers but also aid you in reducing advertising costs. Reduced advertising costs only mean increased profits for your business that will help you venture into newer markets. 3. Lazy Market Research A lot of enthusiastic potential entrepreneurs believe that you only need to come up with one brilliant idea and everything will go smoothly from there. Well, it doesn’t always work like that as the market can either make an early adoption (which is very rare) or keep following its trend. Market research will help you understand how customers and potential customers might view your business and pinpoint gaps in customer expectations. This is useful information to have when completing your marketing strategy. Possessing good market intelligence helps to reduce risks when making vital business decisions. Conclusively, before you think about introducing a product, ensure you have completed deep market research for it so you don’t get stuck. 4. Lack of Analytics Everyone can drive on a famous road, but when you enter an unfamiliar street, you will need the help of a map to arrive at your destination. In digital marketing, analytics serves as your map in ensuring you understand the flow of information and the paths wherein you should invest more funds and interest. With the best website competitive analysis tools, you wouldn’t have a problem getting this data. Hence, with analytics, you can track the pathway of every user who arrives on any of your digital marketing platforms, taking into consideration the time they spend on the site and the final decision they make. This will help you know where to tweak your platforms. 5. No Digital Marketing Budget A business without proper funding is already on the verge of failure. Essentially, your plans of getting a chunk of the digital marketing space will remain futile when you don’t invest some funding into that area of your business. Because a marketing budget and strategy allow you to spend effectively on different channels. With many platforms introducing algorithms that make organic traffic difficult, using paid traffic is the best bet for any business owner that wants to reach their target market. 6. Poor Online Presence If the online community cannot feel the impact and presence of your business, you can go extinct in today’s digital space. Hence, you need to ensure you stay on the right social media platforms and use other communication tools to keep in check. Quartsoft believes that an online presence for your business goes far beyond setting up a website that contains the name of your company and contact details. It involves creating a virtual point of business where people can find useful information on your website and interact with you through social media networks. When your customers or leads experience difficulty levels when they want to reach your business, they’ll likely port to your competitor who has an easier system that yields the same results. Conclusion On Digital Marketing Mistakes Business owners need to understand that too many digital marketing mistakes aren’t great for them. Of course, the wrong digital marketing strategy can deter the business from growing and hitting set goals. Taking measured risks is important, as working with
Content Marketing in 2021: The Definitive Guide
We live in a world where it’s getting very difficult to differentiate noise from information especially online. Brands are producing more content than they did before. Consumers have multiple devices and an endless number of channels to consume content. As marketers, our task is to make sure that content creates value both for the brand as well as the consumer. If marketing is a relay race, consider content marketing to be the baton. Content Marketing is a marketing approach to making & distributing relevant content to a defined audience with the aim of achieving a desirable action. It focuses on building a relationship and loyalty by providing worth to its readers. Doesn’t it sound interesting to you? Here is a definitive guide of content marketing 2021 with unique perspectives from some of the leading brands in the world. What is Content Marketing? This is the process of creating and sharing online materials (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that do not intend to promote a brand but it is intended to stimulate an interest in its product and services. Why is Content Marketing Important? It is a method of designing, creating, distributing, sharing, and publishing content to reach your target audience. It will boost factors like brand awareness, sales, reach, interactions, and loyalty. Now let’s look at the various types of content marketing. Types of Content Marketing There are many types of content marketing that you simply might prefer to incorporate in your strategy — here are some of the most common: 1. Social Media Content Marketing With over 3.6 billion world social media users, it’s easy to grasp why such a lot of businesses invest in social media marketing. There are a variety of platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat) to work with and a number of other ways in which you’ll produce and share content on each of them (e.g. photos, live videos, pre-recorded videos, stories). 2. Infographic Content Promoting Infographics display content, information, and data in an easy-to-understand, graphic format. With a mix of simple wording, short statements, and clear pictures, infographics are fantastic ways to effectively communicate your content. They work well if you’re attempting to distill an academic and/ or complicated topic down so all audience members can understand it. 3. Journal Content Promoting Blogs are a strong variety of inward content and permit tons of creative thinking in terms of their purpose and topic. With a blog, you’ll do things like promoting different internal and external content and journal articles via links, add social share buttons, and incorporate product data. 4. Podcast Content Marketing According to Pulse Nigeria in 2021, podcasts became really mainstream and influential to the global pop culture in 2015. The survey found that forty-ninth of 18-40year-olds within the Nigerians had listened to a podcast during the last month, with a median of six listening hours per week. For this reason, several businesses and media shops have begun making and sharing their own podcasts. Podcasts yield plenty of power as they’ll be regarding any topic of selection. to boot, you identify alternative factors associated with the podcast like the cadence of episodes, who’s on the podcast, wherever you advertise the podcast, and the way long episodes square measure. 5. Video Content Marketing According to Wyzowl’s analysis, sixty-nine of customers say they like to find out a few brand’s products or services through video. to boot, video selling will boost conversions, improve ROI, and assist you to build relationships with audience members. you will like better to share your video content on social media platforms, landing pages, or on a marketer’s site. 6. Paid Ad Content Promoting Paid ads will assist you to reach a broad audience and permit you to position yourself all told of the places you would like to be seen — paid ads are particularly helpful once paired with incoming promoting. There are several places you’ll be able to share paid ads together with on social media, landing pages, banners, and sponsored content. What are examples of content marketing? This process includes things like educational articles, e-books, videos, entertainment, and webinars that answer peoples questions and provide them with an alternative. It’s the best way to turn your product, no matter how common, into something that is not like everyone else’s. How much should I spend on content marketing? The most successful organizations spend closer to 40 percent of their total marketing budget on content strategy. Those with a relatively mature hold on content marketing spend about one-third of their budget on content. What are the best content marketing trends for 2021? Here are the seven biggest content marketing trends you need to know about going into next year: 1. Building content communities The biggest content selling trend to undertake in 2021 isn’t a surprise. With the increase of Slack communities across the school and also they specialize in personalization in selling throughout the pandemic, building communities has been a push for selling groups all year. However, building communities specifically around content sharing and creation can permit selling groups to still expand their reach, even with fewer resources. Expanding your reach is nice for whole awareness—and, of course, your metrics—but that sort of inclusion is additionally smart for fostering a way of the community together with your audience, too. Masooma Memon, a SaaS content vendor, expects this comprehensive community feels to own a positive impact on audience engagement. “Whether it’s content for social, your blog, or a webinar, it’s attending to continue specializing in creating your audience desire a community,” she says. “Folks love this sense of community happiness. It makes them feel valued, therefore this trend ought to continue discovering pace.” 2. Going live video and webinars With events out of play this year, video and webinar content has been even a lot of important and it does not deed. “My guess is video selling, as well as the boom in live video, can still grow in 2021,” Masooma predicts. However, it’s not
Top 8 Smart Online Business Ideas That Pays In Nigeria
Physical offices have taken a downward trend as more people have structured their business to function in the online environment. Starting a business online demands that you come up with one or two smart online business ideas that pay whether in the U.S, Nigeria, or any part of the world. You might start by earning a few dollars, but with the right investment and structure, you can join the giants such as Amazon and Craigslist. Even if you have no interest in e-commerce, there’s so much you can pursue. So, if you’re still thinking about the line of career to pursue, you will get some ideas here. However, understand that these ideas will take some time to implement. Therefore, let’s look at some smart online business ideas that pay you in Nigeria or any part of the world. Why Run An Online Business? As an entrepreneur, you’re constantly exploring new opportunities that will help ease everyday human living., While some entrepreneurs prefer to follow the tedious process of ideation, screening, etc, others prefer they get ideas from others and invest in them. With many business ideas presenting great projections, they end up costing you a lot of money to simply set up without you making a single sale. However, if you tried the path of growing and building a business online, you would encounter that loss. According to Wpbeginner, buying a new domain name would typically cost you anywhere between $9 and $14.99 per year. However, these prices may differ based on the domain extension or the domain registrar you choose. Compare that to the cost of an office space that goes for $100–$250. With lower overheads and higher profit margins, online businesses also give you the freedom to pursue a wide range of market space as you don’t need so much segmentation. Setting Up Your Online Business In setting up your business online, you need to put in the right structure. A good way to start would be to follow the steps which include: Conduct Research Conducting accurate research is the first and one of the most important step when you want to set up your business online. Your research can focus on some of the trending skills that individuals can monetize or some products that have huge customer numbers. Your research can cover entire communities and even countries. You can ask your friends and family in business about emerging markets as well. Choose a Business Model Many businesses fail because they try to copy a model of a business. While you can copy a business model, ensure that the model fits right into your program. And in a case where it doesn’t work, you can make mild changes and create your own model. Your business model will help you and any person who will work for you understand the approach you have adopted to do business and follow it duly. Build Your Website An online business cannot be completely an online business when it has no location on the internet. Of course, you can use social media handles, but you won’t be able to control so much in that environment that can harm you and your business a lot. The best option would be to create a website where you can position the key things you want your target audience to see regarding your business. Create Copies and Catalog Products If your website visitors cannot see your products and services, then you will have difficulty profiting from your online business. A good thing to do would be to create product catalogs and commensurate copies for every one of them. This way, you eliminate too much work on your customer service. Create Marketing Funnel A marketing funnel will help you easily convert your leads to customers. This way, you will spend less money on advertising, which will boost your revenue. Top 8 Smart Online Business Ideas That Pays In Nigeria As someone who wants to start an online business but lacks the right ideas to start anyone, here are some of the smart online business ideas that pay you in Nigeria or any part of the world. 1. Web Designer Web design is an industry that has experienced rapid growth over the years. As digital media gradually becomes a vital aspect of people’s lives, the growing reliance on the web for communication, information, execution of activities, and much more is obvious. As a web designer, it is your core responsibility to build and redesign websites. Ensure the website is functional and users can easily navigate through every part of the platform with ease. Although the beauty of your website is not your key function, this is vital if you want to keep users on your platform. Web designers can work within a company or as freelancers – your choice will depend on the working conditions that grant you the highest level of productivity. No matter where you work, you will always have steady conversations with clients. 2. Content Creator The online environment thrives on content. Immediately you access any platform, they will swarm you with content from different creators who push their unique interests. @avinash commented, “Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.” As a content creator, you can leverage platforms to push out your content. You can create courses and writeups on unique subject areas and sell to an interested audience. Platforms that are notable for allowing users to create content for sale include Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, and Audacity. If you want to enter the content creating space, you would need to choose the style of execution you would use – writing, creating videos, or podcasts. Becoming a content creator remains one of the smart online businesses that pay in Nigeria or anywhere in the world. 3. Affiliate Marketer Many companies dish out thousands of products that will not reach any interested customer with no serious marketing game. For this reason, we always advise companies to get the right digital marketing agency that will help
Top 10 Ecommerce Websites for Online Shopping in Nigeria
Ecommerce websites have made businesses carry out their activities easily, both locally and globally. It is understandable, as most consumers find it more comfortable to buy their goods online, instead of leaving the comfort of their homes. Though there are a lot of eCommerce websites for online shopping in Nigeria, there are some that stand out for us. Online shopping in Nigeria promises a safe and secure eCommerce experience. And several eCommerce platforms also offer this comfort along with excellent customer support. In this article, we have prepared a list of the top 10 eCommerce websites for online shopping in Nigeria. Top Ecommerce Websites for Online Shopping in Nigeria These websites offer products ranging from phones, computers, electronic gadgets to fashion, clothing, kitchen appliances, books, and sundry. #1. Jumia Jumia is the first eCommerce website for online shopping in Nigeria that was acknowledged. The company has repeatedly proved itself in the business of shopping online in Nigeria and Africa. New small businesses in this niche emulate and regard them as the number one ultimate destination in the online shopping industry. Jumia considers consumer satisfaction as very important while they deliver products ordered or purchased by customers with a high level of professionalism. Jumia Nigeria, established in May 2012, is often thought of as Nigeria’s version of Amazon. #2. Konga Konga was established in July 2012 and is headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. Currently, they’re the second-largest eCommerce shopping website in Nigeria. They offer a bunch of eye-grabbing products on their mobile-friendly website. Konga also allows small businesses to sample and sell their products on their website making them one of the most preferred online shopping websites in Nigeria. #3. Jiji Nigeria Jiji was founded in 2014 and has become one of the fast-growing Nigerian Online Marketplaces. This platform provides a simple solution to buy and sell just about anything in Nigeria. Jiji platforms also allow you to post adverts for your products and services for free on their website. This way, you can reach your prospective customers and increase profit, whether as a Seller or business owner. #4. PayPorte Payporte was launched in September 2014. And has since prospered to ensure it caters to a wide demographic ranging from the youths to the young urban professionals. The eCommerce websites for online shopping in Nigeria have adopted the title of Nigeria’s preferred online retail store. PayPorte also partners with local businesses by showcasing their goods on its platform to a wider audience by giving these businesses access to customers, great logistics coverage, and the opportunity to exceed expectations in business. Click here to get started. #5. Ajebomarket Ajebomarket which was founded in July 2013 is surely one of the leading online fashion stores for men in Nigeria and aims to become the best in Africa. The premium products they offer are for both teenagers and adults. If you are searching for fashionable pieces of clothing for men – clothes, watches, shoes, bags – check Ajebomarket and make your choice. #6. Obiwezy They launched this online platform in 2010 to become an online marketplace for previously owned gadgets like iPads, computers, smartwatches, and phone accessories. As a user of Obiwezy, they usually offer you the opportunity of buying excellent quality used phones with a warranty. You can also swap your used phones for new ones. Additionally, they offer advisory, after-sales service, repairs, etc to meet the need of their users. #7. Vconnect Vconnect is one of the first successful business directory websites in Nigeria’s cyberspace. Their recent venture into the e-Commerce space seems to be a good decision as well. As a shopper on Vconnet, the company promises that you would be working with a company that cares so much about consumer rights, pre-sales, and after-sales support. #8. Slot Slot is not just a regular eCommerce website for online shopping in Nigeria but, it is also one of the best eCommerce web stores in Nigeria. They still operate functional retail outlets in major cities where users can go to buy phones and gadgets. Slot Nigeria is loved for the good after-sale services and great customer support it has maintained for years. #9. Kara This is a Nigerian online store that deals with everything from Mobile phones to Electronics, Industrial kitchen equipment, Computers, and phone accessories. Kara Nigeria often offers great and amazing discounts on Phones in Nigeria. They also host an engaging affiliate program that allows you to earn money when you promote their products on Social Media. Kara Nigeria also offers a marketplace for small business owners to sell products on their platform. #10. Kusnap Kusnap is a digital marketplace and business transaction medium where buyers and sellers across Nigeria meet to perform transactions. This platform allows entrepreneurs and business owners to set up an online store and sell their products to respective customers. Different levels of business from startups to large enterprises have a lot to benefit from utilizing Kusnap as their e-commerce platform. This is because this platform possesses a wide range of features that will work with your business to achieve the estimated heights. As an e-commerce website for online shopping, Kusnap supports a wide variety of e-commerce businesses. This ensures you can sell your physical products or services and deliver them to your customers through Kusnap. Conclusion There are lots of eCommerce websites for online shopping in Nigeria with the list increasing daily. They say the beautiful ones are not yet born, perhaps even the best of the best online eCommerce shopping websites with quality products and services are yet to show up. Whatever is the case, you can make your choice from the list above as your go-to eCommerce website for your online shopping experience.
Top 12 Websites That Give Quick Loans Without Collateral
Getting a loan in Nigeria is tough. There’s usually a lot of disagreement and distrust, with the deal-breaker being strong collateral that the borrower cannot afford. Because of this bubbling concern, a few individuals started websites and platforms that give quick loans without collateral in Nigeria. Indeed, a lot of these businesses have grown as they’ve constantly helped borrowers receive the help they need, and these borrowers fulfilled their promise by repaying the loan. On the other hand, some of them have experienced terrible situations with borrowers who had problems paying back their loans. Whether head or tail, it’s vital you understand that these websites that give quick loans without collateral in Nigeria are running an enormous risk that can reward them or destroy them. Therefore, let’s quickly extend this conversation to identify some of these big loan agencies. 1. Grofin GroFin is an industry that seeks to support SMEs in Africa with loans to help them scale their businesses faster. In their market, they have helped over 735 SMEs, 9,360 entrepreneurs, and approved over $385 million in business loans. In other to increase your chances of accessing a loan from this industry, your business has to be in Education, Healthcare, Processing, or Manufacturing. Additionally, it must positively affect the society wherein you operate. As with every loan case, you need to provide a guarantor and show your numbers to GroFin, representing 1.5 times the annual turnover greater than the loan. You can require medium-term loan capital between US$100,000 and US$1.5m (equivalent in local currency) for a loan duration of 3-8 years. 2. Paylater Paylater is an automated lending service aimed at improving the ease to access credit to financially under-served/excluded individuals around Africa. You can get access to loan provisions within seconds and receive your funds within five minutes after approval. You can access your loan via an Android mobile app, with lending decisions provided almost instantly. If you’re a new borrower, your starting price will be N10,000 only. These loans basically function as help to aid you to recover and stay afloat until you monetize again. It is perfect for anyone looking for an unsecured personal consumer loan, students, and individuals ineligible for typical bank loans due to thin credit files. 3. Kiakia. Co KiaKia is a licensed non-banking financial technology company. They’re one of Nigeria’s pioneer digital lenders and also the leading peer-to-peer marketplace. KiaKia grants you access to secured and unsecured loans and also takes part in well-structured profit-sharing business transactions. The platform aims to ensure credible individuals and businesses have access to critical credit despite the lack of credit history/information, institutional bureaucracies, lack of innovation, and ability to meet this need. Unlike other loan agencies, the KiaKia Peer-to-Peer Marketplace is an app-based platform structured based on an exchange or negotiation. The Marketplace enables individuals, via the KiaKia P2P App, to lend to Nigerian consumers and MSMEs directly through its peer-to-peer lending platform. 4. One-Fi OneFi has constantly sought to democratize access to finance by leveraging data and technology. They have created a complete lending process fully online via the Carbon Mobile App. You can leverage technology to make it simpler to access a wide range of products, irrespective of distance and time of day. Carbon is the simple, mobile platform for Payments, Bills, Smart Investments, Credit Reports, and Instant Loans. It is the perfect place to run when you need help to cover unexpected expenses or urgent cash needs. You can apply for a Carbon loan 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using a quick application process that lets you know your status within minutes. 5. C24 C24 is one of the huge websites that offer loans without collateral in Nigeria. On this platform, you can either opt for personal loans, business loans, or quick cash loans. Each of these loans comes with peculiar interest rates and unique conditions. To start your loan process, you will need to fill out an application form and submit all necessary documents for analysis. After analysis, you will receive a call from an agent for some confirmation, after which you will receive your loan in 24 hours if your application pulls through. 6. Quickcheck Quickcheck is another in our list of websites that give loans without collateral in Nigeria. Indeed, they come in strong at this position with their simplified and improved technology that allows you to avoid long queues, wait time, and bulky documentation when you need a quick loan. As a borrower, your behavior will be accessed and this will instantly help in the evaluation of your loan application. This assessment process ultimately offers you the best credit amount you can get to fund your business or personal goals. To use this platform, you will need to download the app, create an account, and apply for the loan immediately. The platform is fully secured; it will leak none of your documents. Currently, the application is only available on Google Playstore. 7. Smedan Smeden boasts to be a Vanguard for rural industrialization, poverty reduction, job creation, and enhanced livelihoods. And they’re not only one website that gives loans without collateral in Nigeria; they do more than that. On the Smedan platform, you can learn to write a business plan, boost your skills and knowledge base, register your SME and even get access to survival funds for your business. Smedan is constantly working in contact with other institutions in both the public and private sectors to create a good enabling environment for business and MSME activities in particular. 8. Lydia. Co Lydia will help you access working capital, keep track of your receivables and invoice your customers anywhere & anytime. Your loan applications are processed within 48 hours and, if approved, disbursed within the same day. As expected, banks will demand collateral to give you a loan. To get financing from Lidya, you don’t need to have collateral; you only need your 3 years of audited financials and 5-year financial projections. The algorithms process around 100
10 Ways to Know Your Website is Due for a Redesign
More people have ventured into the online space. Digital marketers know this and as a result, they have as well realized that their target audience is online. So, they set up really amazing websites to validate their brands and businesses. After a while, these websites become due for a redesign. With the internet and technology continually developing, the once “really amazing” website may become regarded as subpar. How does one know when a website is due for a redesign, though? If that is your question, then stay with us as we share with you 10 Ways to Know Your Website is due for a redesign. #1. When Your Website Is Not Aesthetically Appealing Here, we are talking about a website with a simple color scheme that is clear, navigable, and professional. If the viewers find your website cluttered and the user experience tedious, it may hinder trust and user engagements. Stick to 2-3 color scheme. This way users associate your brand with those simple colors, making you easily recognizable. Having a bunch of colors splattered on the different landing pages may appear unprofessional and visually disturbing. #2. When You’re Not Being Found On Google Say you’re a health company. Would your health company come up on Google’s first page if your customers search for “health”? Or would you be on the fifth page? It has been shown that about three-quarters of users do not scroll past the first page of their searches. So, your would-have-been-customers have already reached out to your competitors that carved a spot for themselves on the first page. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an extremely important tool in promoting your digital presence. It affects your website’s ranking when a potential user searches online for your services. So, when your SEO ranking is good, it will increase traffic to your website and subsequently, your sales. If you are having challenges then your website may be due for a redesign. #3. When It Loads Too Slowly Most users fancy websites that take 2-3 seconds to load. Longer than 5 seconds and they go elsewhere before seeing what it is you have to offer. If your website is taking too long to load, it may reduce trust from your customers, your reputation, and your SEO too. Before it gets so bad, consider the fact that your design may be due for a redesign. #4. When Your Company Is Growing And Your Brand Message May Have To Change It is an improvement no doubt—your company growing and doing better. However, it may cause you to have to add new services and products to your website. At this stage, your website may be due for a redesign to make it contain your new services and still be as navigable. With this growth, your brand messaging may have to undergo some evolution. They can represent these new messages and products in your new website redesign. #5. When Your Bounce Rate Is High Bounce rate is the rate at which users leave your website almost immediately after they visit. A high bounce rate shows that your visitors aren’t finding your content important enough to stay longer. If you notice a high bounce rate on your website, your website may be due for a redesign. Organize your website with the target personas in view—who are they? What do they want? What do you want them to do? How do you intend to make them do it? Make a plan that clearly answers these questions. #6. When You Have Low Conversion Rates So, potential customers have found your websites and have spent a good amount of time there but, there’s no sign of conversion. That’s a desperate call for a website redesign because if you aren’t converting them, chances are, some other competitor is. The redesign would include important elements on-page—contents that address your target audience, social proof, clear calls to action, and many more. #7. When It Is Hard To Update Your Contents It shouldn’t be rocket science to add a blog post, update minor elements of your website, or change your content. If it proves to be, then you may have to accept that your website may be due for a redesign. A Content Management System (CMS) allows you to easily edit your website from a central interface. And systems such as WordPress make it easy for you to organize, edit, and update your content. This will help your site be more SEO friendly, and always navigable. #8. When It Is Not Optimized For Mobile Devices 54.2% of the total global online traffic are mobile device users and 67% of users are more inclined to patronize you if your site is mobile friendly. Most of these potential customers append some time on your website, researching your company and your products before they decide to make a purchase. So, what you want to do is optimize for mobile to gain their trust and tap into this lucrative market to convert as many as possible. If you haven’t, then your website is due for a redesign. #9. When Your Competitors Have Also Redesigned Their Websites Like I said earlier, most users research a brand’s online presence before doing business with them, including the websites. If your website is due for a redesign, or difficult to navigate, you may lose customers. If you aren’t converting them, some other competitor is. So, keep tabs on your competitors. If they have websites with a better user experience designed to convert, then you’d also have to up your game. #10. When You Experience Security Concerns Though it is one of the most important reasons to consider, it is very easily neglected when deciding if a website is due for a redesign. Old websites hold a bunch of valued information about the customers and are also prone to security issues. Consequently, it is most prudent that you verify your website is due for a redesign and take the steps. The security risks maybe because of the lack of the
10 Unique Strategies For Converting Your Leads To Customers
An advertising campaign draws a lot of leads who will come with different inquiries about your products and services. However, if you haven’t created an effective marketing funnel that can convert your leads to customers, you might lose out on the huge traffic that you will receive from your campaign. This is a colossal mess, and you can avoid it. All you need to do would be to understand and adopt the right strategies to help you convert your leads to customers. And you will learn ten unique tips from this content. Why You Need A Funnel? Funnels have always existed. However, more attention and importance have been given to funnels responsible for driving in high numbers in terms of leads and sales. When a funnel is outstanding, the clearest expression is in the sales numbers unless the product is just terrible. For this reason, product managers and marketers think of the best funnel that will easily and profitably market their products and services. Of course, there are many strategies and opinions regarding funnel creation, however, all products don’t have a one-fit funnel. A good way to start thinking of a funnel that will help expand the reach of your product and brand would be to monitor the progress of other brands in that same niche doing well. However, if after your research you haven’t found any, you may need to go with your guts on a strategy. 10 Unique Strategies To Convert Your Leads To Customers In this section, you will discover the unique strategies that will help convert your leads to customers. While this list covers ten of these outstanding strategies, there are also some strategies you can employ that aren’t captured in this article. But, let me say, they won’t be half as helpful as what you’ll read. Hence, the strategies include: 1. Give Free Tool or Resource Material If people don’t stand to gain a lot from a business, they might never swipe their card or input its details. When it comes to your line of business, you have to understand that your competitors are doing their bid to draw your customers from your fold to theirs – so you must be on your A-game. In a bid to convert your leads to customers, you need to ensure your funnel is top-notch and a very vital item that must be in your funnel must be free resource tools or materials for your leads. With these resource tools, you can extend an arm of your service, which is vital for building trust between the two parties. 2. Offer Discounts Discounts have always boosted retail numbers for products and services. According to Big Commerce, Implementing a discount strategy adds a layer of time sensitivity to your customers’ purchasing journey. In turn, you’ll likely see an influx of purchases during the duration of your offer. So, you must ensure you craft together an amazing offer that will remain irresistible both for your old customers, new customers, and leads. With this offer, you can draw more of the latter to learn about your offerings. In placing discounts, you need to choose or create an offer that will not turn your profits on their head. Instead of starting off on your own and probably losing so much money, you can trust professionals to help you. Just book a free marketing consultation with our team by clicking “I want a Free Consultation Session” so we can help you create irresistible offers. 3. Answer Their Questions A lot of businesses have poor customer service representation, and this problem is responsible for many dissatisfied customers and leads who have contacted them. Even ImpactPlus believes when your company has a customer service problem, it forces your best employees to pick up the slack for poor employees. As a business owner, you must ensure that you always attend to the questions and inquiries of your customers and leads. You can make it simpler by creating a “Frequently Answered Questions” page where you will answer many of these questions once and for all. 4. Do Follow-Up People are so distracted by a lot of things. Research shows that returning to your original focus, following a distraction, takes, on average, a full 23 minutes and 15 seconds. For most American professionals, distractions are a normal part of life and you can’t so so much about it. However, in your business, you can ensure you constantly reach out to leads who have once made inquiries about a product and never got to hit the “buy” button. You can reach out to them through calls and emails to know why they never went forward with the purchase. For your customers, you can ask them for an honest review of the product when you want to follow them up. 5. Create Interaction Channels If your customers find it difficult to reach you, they’ll switch to a competitor brand. I bet you would want to avoid this horrendous situation because you know how much it can do to your business. Well, if you can create interaction channels between you, your leads, and customers, you won’t have this problem. Interaction channels could be social messaging apps, or you can even create a chatbot that would constantly interact with the customers. This way, it reassures your customers they can reach out to you when they have certain problems you can solve. 6. Offer Personalized Counsel Through Emails Your product might have a very simple user guide, however, it your customers might still make mistakes or need guidance on some level. Now this is for individuals selling physical products as businesses that focus on information products need this technique much more. By collecting the emails of your customers, you can update them with information regarding your best deals on products and services. Furthermore, you can counsel them on certain aspects of your product and its usage. Personalized emails make customers feel attached to the brand as it creates a sense of brand loyalty. 7. Interact with Customers Your customers are the
How And Why You Should Use Google Ads For Your Business
The world of marketing has changed intensely in recent years and Google Ads is one of the platforms that is driving that change. Candidly, Google Ads is one of the most effective methods for paid online advertising. With Google Ads, businesses can reach anyone who uses Google to find information, products, and services online. When used correctly, Google Ads can send you a large number of people who want exactly what you offer. If you do not currently have a Google Ads account for your business, or are not using your Google Ads account to the fullest, you should seriously consider making the most of this platform. What Are Google Ads? Google Ads is Google’s online advertising program. This program allows you to create online advertisements that are targeted at audiences interested in the products and services you offer. The Google Ads platform works with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. That is to say, you must pay each time a visitor clicks on your ad. But there are so many advertising means and methods. It can be difficult to determine which one is right for your business. Influencers and marketers always tell you to invest in this and that without really explaining why. How Do Google Ads Work? When you make a Google ad spend, the first thing to do is tell Google which of these three goals you want to achieve. Whether it’s to increase the number of calls to your business, to attract more visitors to your business, or to direct people to your website or business homepage. Then decide whether your ad copy will serve a global or a local audience. After that, use pictures or three short phrases to tell Google what makes your business different. Google uses this data to create your ad copy. Finally, set your budget that Google will use to predict the success of your Google Ads campaign, and Google will serve your ad. Your target audience will see that your ad rank is high and appears as a top search result. As more people click on the ads in your PPC campaign, your business will get closer to meeting your preset budget. Further Reading: How to Use Google My Business to Get More Customers How Do I Use Google Ads? Here is a step-by-step procedure on how to use google ads: Step 1: Log in Just go to the Google Ads website and log in with your Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, you will need to create one. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Once you have entered the required details, you will land on the next page to create your first campaign. Here you can choose your budget, target your audience, set your bids, and write your ad copy. Step 2: Set Your Budget As you can see, defining a budget is the most important task on the list. Setting your daily budget ensures that you never exceed your spending limits. The best way to calculate your daily budget is to first determine the number of visitors your landing page can convert to customers. If you’re just starting, it’s okay to work with averages. After choosing the currency and budget you want, click Save and proceed to the next step. Step 3: Choose Your Target Audience In this step, you can specify the geographic location of your target group. This feature ensures that your ad is only shown to users who search for the keywords you offer and are available in the geographic location that you specified. Step 4: Choose A Network Here, you choose between the Google search advertising network and the display network. The search network places your ads on the Google SERPs, while the display network shows your ad on all the websites that serve ads. The search network is recommended for beginners and small businesses as it will show your ads to people who are specifically searching for keywords relevant to your business. Display ads are great for branding and retargeting, and they generally have a much lower CPC. But they are not as query-oriented either. Step 5: Choose Your Keywords Keywords are the search terms or phrases that a user enters into the Google search box when searching. On Google, you can choose between 15 and 20 keywords that can make your ad appear in the SERP. Don’t worry, you can always add more keywords later. It is recommended that you pick a few keywords that you are sure will yield results rather than pick 20 that you may find relevant. Step 6: Set Your Bid Google Ads uses a bidding model. A bid is the amount of money that you are willing to pay for each person who clicks on your ad. If you and your competitor are bidding on the same keyword and are willing to pay more per click, your ad will run higher than theirs. However, setting bids manually can be more profitable. Although sometimes this also requires additional ongoing maintenance. Step 7: Write Your Ad Writing your ad is possibly the most critical part of this process. We encourage you to think about it and make it really convincing. Your message should convey your offer so clearly that the user is convinced that they will click on your ad and visit your website. Step 8: Create Your Ad When you have finished writing your ad, click the “Save” button and proceed to the last step of the process. In this step, Google will ask for your business and payment information. You will be charged when your allocated budget is exhausted or 30 days later, whichever occurs first. Why should I Use Google Ads for my business? If your business has a valuable product or offers to sell to a market audience, there is no reason not to at least try Google Ads. The thing is, it all comes down to dollars and cents. If you don’t get it right, you probably won’t see