Part of your web marketing activities is writing good email subject lines. Emails are a way to build relationships with your customers. Good email subject lines create a good first impression on your subscribers.
Your main concern as a company is getting your emails read by your customers. It is only when people read and engage with your emails that you would achieve your goals for writing that email in the first place.
Your email subject line is the most important part because it is what will determine if the email will be opened or not.
For customers to know what the business has to say, a good email subject line comes into play. In one study, 47% of people said the subject line is the main reason they open an email. What does this say? that you should take your email subject lines very seriously.
Why is writing professional email subject lines important for your business?
Writing good subject lines is important because it tells what the email is about at a glance.
People are faced with tons of emails every day in their inbox and so there is a high possibility of your emails being left unopened.
If people can tell what an email is about once they set their eyes on them, then they would decide if they would read it or not.
While writing a good email subject line first make sure it is straight to the point and then catchy enough to draw people in.
These are the two major things you consider while writing an email subject line.
Do you write an email subject line first?
It depends on your style and the way you flow. You can write a suitable email subject line after you have written the body of the mail or before you start.
Is keyword research necessary for email subject lines?
The email subject line is similar to a blog post title. The only difference is that they are sent straight to a subscriber’s inbox and do not need to be searched for on a search engine.
Using keywords that people want to engage with is important.
It is always good to write for humans in your web marketing activities. Write something that people want to engage with, write something that people want to hear. This will lead to a higher open rate and possible conversion.
So yes, keyword research is important for writing email subject lines.
When your email subject line contains what people are searching for, they will open it and possibly read through and take action.
Best email subject line styles

The best email subject line styles include:
1. Action subject lines:
A subject line that requires action will draw people’s attention. Passive and dull subject lines would bore people. People like energy, people like something that will be worth their time. You should leverage that while writing your email subject lines.
Examples: If your shoe company is running a discount and you write something like
“Shoe sales discount!” as your subject line, it will not give much open rate as an active sentence like
“Get a 15% discount on any shoe you buy!”
Although, it is not advisable to use too much action on your subject lines in order not to give the wrong message. You don’t want to sound like you’re forcing your subscribers to do something for you.
2. Exclusive information subject lines:
Always use subject lines that make your subscribers feel special. Let them feel they are not treated as others. Be sure to be authentic, nobody wants to be lied to.
Examples of these subject lines include; “For our esteemed customers”, ” Discount only for you!”, “Exclusive information”, ” private invitation”, etc.
People have the innate desire to be treated specially, leverage on that while remaining honest.
3. Urgency/Scarcity subject lines:
Nobody wants to be left out on anything. Appeal to the subscriber’s sense of urgency while writing your email subject lines. Make them feel that if they don’t take action, they will miss out.
Be cautious while using this type of subject line. Too much zeal would sound too salesy and could be misconstrued as spam. People don’t like spammy messages in their inboxes.
Examples of these subject lines include:
“Free product offer for the next 10 days!”, “Free coupons for you if you buy now!” etc.
Always be careful with how you infuse urgency in your subject lines.
Subject lines in form of questions that a subscriber would want the answer to:
This works like magic. It is normal for human beings to be curious about things. When you ask a question that subscribers are curious about in your email subject line, they will tend to open your email more.
Make sure to answer the question in the body of your email so they won’t tag you as fake.
- Do you think men die before women?
- What do you think about the metaverse?
While asking these questions, avoid being obscure and go straight to the point.
Email Subject lines that are Controversial and Shocking:
The good thing about controversial email subject lines is that it is unique, intriguing, and catches a recipient by surprise. People like to engage with something different and you should use that as an advantage.
Controversial subject lines can also go wrong. People can misunderstand what you mean. This will backfire and give off the wrong result. You have to be extra careful while writing controversial email subject lines.
Examples of these kinds of subject lines are:
“The evils of Mark Zuckerberg”
“How Jeff Bezos is a goal digger”
Tips for writing better subject lines for your emails.
- Make you email subject lines personal: Humans like to interact with their fellow humans. Calling people’s name in your email subject lines will catch their attention and make them respond more. People have the innate desire to be seen. It is advisable to use a personalized email address. Using an address people can identify with will give your email a higher open rate. You can include the name of the sender while sending out your business mails. E.g Serah from Socialander
- Make your email subject lines simple and straight to the point: Your email subject lines should be simple and straight to the point. You shouldn’t bore people with plenty words.
For example, instead of saying
“Our company is organizing something that will help you save more money”
You can say:
“Exclusive promo deals just for you!”
55% of emails are opened with a mobile device, a short, clear, and concise email subject line will do a lot to optimize your emails for mobile.
- Stay honest: Nobody wants to be lied to. People are dealing with a lot of scam emails already, don’t sound like a scam in writing your email subject lines. Don’t sound too salesy or make promises that you cannot keep. Minimize exclamation marks or the use of capital letters.
- Leverage what is trending: People are more likely to react to news and updates that is trending. Write an email subject line that will engage them and give them the opportunity to hear the full gist of things that is going on at the moment.
An example of such subject lines could be
‘The full story behind the rape saga:
- Try emojis: It’s always advisable to write your email subject lines in a way humans will understand. Emojis infuse feeling and activity. Subject lines with emojis will attract people’s attention.
Always use emojis that are related to what you’re talking about in your email.
- Use numbers and lists: Include numbers and lists in your email subject lines. This is because people are likely to open your emails when they know what to expect.
- Use proper punctuation and spelling: Remember that the whole idea of writing good email subject lines is to create a good first impression. Poor grammar will make you sound unprofessional. Using the correct words and spellings will make your readers trust you and whatever you have to say.
People tend to read emails from people they trust, and always aim to create trust.
In summary, the main goal for writing good subject lines for your emails is to get more people to open them. More people opening up will increase the probability of converting them and getting revenue for your business. Always keep this goal in mind while writing all your company’s emails. This will help you remain focused and get the job done.
Now that you know how to write a good email, it is time to implement it. You can get templates for any kind of email subject line you want to write Online.
Do you need the help of a professional in your email marketing activities?
You can hire Socialander just by clicking on “I need your email services”