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Every search query produces millions of search engine result pages. And if you want to rank on the top pages for keywords with high search volume, you need to do more than search engine optimization.

A great alternative would be to leverage search engine marketing which has been improved to help you take up strong ranking positions on the search engine results. With SEM, you can be at the top of all search engine results for a keyword or group of keywords.

If you’re not so familiar with search engine marketing (SEM), this article will give you all the information you need to understand it. Furthermore, you will see how you can set up your own advertising campaign on Google using PPC.

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a type of Internet marketing strongly focused on the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.

SEM may adopt search engine optimization (SEO), which changes or alters website content and site architecture to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages to improve pay-per-click (PPC) listings.

Why is SEM Vital?

The number of consumers researching and shopping for products online continues to rapidly increase. And this increase subsequently demands that product owners seek innovative ways to get their customers. Hence, search engine marketing has become a vital online marketing strategy for increasing the reach of a business.

In fact, the majority of novel visitors to a website discover it after they’ve completed a query using the search engine.

In search engine marketing, advertisers pay for impressions that result in visitors, making it an efficient way for a company to push out its marketing dollars. As an added bonus, each visitor helps to gravely improve the website’s rankings in organic search results.

As consumers input search queries with an intention of discovering commercial data, they are in an excellent state of mind to make a purchase, compared to other sites such as social media where users are not intentionally searching for something.

Search marketing hits consumers at a perfect time: when they can access recent information. Unlike most digital advertising, PPC advertising is non-intrusive and does not interfere with any activities they want to execute.

You can achieve measurable and immediate results with SEM. It is arguably the fastest way to drive traffic to a website.

How Does SEM Work?

Search engine marketing has a process it dutifully follows, and you must follow this pattern if you want to make your SEM efficient and bring the best results for you.

In a nutshell, SEM works with five efficient methods that include:

Keyword Research and Analysis

This aspect of SEM is interested in indexing sites on the search engine discovering the most relevant and popular keywords for the site and its products, and using those keywords on the site in a manner that draws traffic consistently.

A constant effect of keyword analysis and research is the search perception impact. Search perception impact mirrors the useful impact of a brand’s search results on consumer perception, including title and meta tags, site indexing, and keyword focus. Because online searching is usually the first step for potential consumers/customers, the search perception impact gives the brand an individualized persona.

Website Saturation and Popularity

There are many websites with content that never make it to search engines. They can analyze this through the number of pages of the site that are indexed by search engines (saturation) and how many backlinks the site has (popularity).

This aspect demands pages to contain keywords people are searching for and ensure that they rank high enough in search engine rankings. Most search engines add link popularity in their ranking algorithms.

Back-end Tools

These are web analytic tools and HTML validators that provide information on a website and its visitors and allow the success of a website to be measured. They range from simple traffic counters to tools that work with log files to more sophisticated tools.

These tools can deliver conversion-related information. The validators check the invisible parts of websites, highlighting potential problems and many usability issues and ensuring websites meet W3C code standards.

Whois Tools

Whois tools show the owners of various websites and also give valuable insight relating to copyright and trademark issues.

Google Mobile-Friendly Web Checker

This test will analyze a URL and report if the page has a mobile-friendly design.


SEM is the bigger body that accommodates SEO. SEM includes both paid search results and organic search results (SEO). Under SEM, you utilize paid advertising with AdWords or Bing Ads, pay per click (because of its direct click link), article submissions, advertising, and quality SEO.

Every keyword analysis is run for both SEO and SEM, but not necessarily simultaneously. SEM and SEO both need to be monitored and updated frequently to reflect developing best practices.

In some contexts, the term SEM can be described as pay-per-click advertising, particularly in the commercial advertising and marketing communities interested in a simpler definition. However, this definition eliminates the wider search marketing community engaged in other forms of SEM, such as search retargeting.

The link between SEO and PPC expresses a vital part of the SEM concept. Hence, when two different teams without unity of purpose work on a particular project, it will mean their goals might crumble, as these two parts work together.

The aim of both SEO and PPC is fully using visibility in search and thus, all actions to achieve it should be centrally coordinated. Both teams can reap from setting shared goals and combined metrics, evaluating data together to know future strategy, or discuss which of the tools works better to get the traffic for selected keywords in the national and local search results.

How To Succeed At SEM

Succeeding at SEM requires teamwork, working knowledge of the system, and a great budget If you don’t have can bring in the steady flow of traffic to the marketing funnel.

If you don’t have experience on SEM, you can learn but this will be at the peril of your business budget and time (especially when you’re seeking profits). Even if you’re training an in-house marketing team, the result remains the same as you’ll need professionals for guidance and counsel.

The professional team you need is Socialander. Socialander is a digital marketing agency that helps you double your business earnings by leveraging digital marketing strategies and current trends. Additionally, they can train your team in all forms of marketing wherein SEM is only an aspect.

Book a free consultation session with us today by clicking I want a Free Consultation Session, so we can help you get you set up and run search engine marketing campaign optimally.


SEM is an intense environment that gives you the opportunity to boost your website and any of your desired products to your target marketing using paid advertising and SEO.

Succeeding at SEM demands that you set up the right team that has a working knowledge of search engine marketing and search engine optimization procedures. Furthermore, the team should be able to harmonize their activities to ensure there’s a good return on investment.

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