
9 Ways Realtors Can Use Digital Marketing to Boost Sales

In every area of business, digital marketing continues to show its importance and strength. Before anyone makes a purchase from any product or service provider, they’ll perform a quick search to determine the viability of the business online. When the result is negative, it weakens buyer-decision immediately.

As a realtor, you shouldn’t miss out on the beauty and ease digital marketing can add to your business. With a substantial structure, you can close deals and get to work with many clients without doing a lot of sourcing – the clients come to you. It’s really simple, and I’ll be showing you 9 Ways Realtors Can Use Digital Marketing to Boost Sales.

The Role of Digital Marketing in Real Estate

Digital marketing cuts across every area of business. If you run a profitable business without digital marketing, then you’re standing at the edge of the cliff because your competitors using it are coming to run down your profits to deep pocket losses.

A suitable cover for you would be to learn about how digital marketing can be an extra tool in your business arsenal, so you stay on top of your competition while spending less on overhead and advertising. With a great digital company working alongside you, you won’t fail.

9 Ways Realtors Can Use Digital Marketing to Boost Sales

As a realtor who wants to use digital marketing to boost sales, you must understand certain foundational subjects and the key hacks that will give you speed. In here, you will find nine ways realtor can use digital marketing to boost sales. They include:

1. Paid Advertising

Paid advertising remains as viable as ever. If you want to reach your target customer without burning deep holes in your company’s pocket, then you need to use paid advertising. On paid advertising, you have the guarantee that you’ll pay for every click you get, and you can only get these clicks from potential customers.

The average conversion rate across Google Ads is 4.40% on the search network and 0.57% on the display network. The last time calculations show average Google Ads conversion rates, as a benchmark of 3.75% on the search network and a benchmark of 0.77% on the display network (WordStream).

A lot of conversions are possible on paid advertising if you have a great copy and an even better funnel. In creating a great funnel, there are nine key principles you must implement from start to finish. Don’t worry, we have a detailed guide on creating a marketing funnel that will make your journey easy.

Further Reading: How to Create the Ultimate Marketing Funnel

2. Host Virtual Tours

In purchasing a house, people want to have the first-hand experience. They want a tour of the facility where they can structure their imaginations to see how the place will be a great environment for them to live in. But with the new normal, physical tours are in a race to keep their heads up.

According to Hometrack, a 3D virtual tour, on the other hand, offers benefits and alleviates anxieties for all parties. And now, at a time when agents are adapting to stay-at-home orders in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, an efficient and engaging tool is just what an agent needs in the toolbox.

You can run virtual tours using a plethora of tools available for you such as Lapentor, OpenSpace3D, and Marzipano. However, you need to ensure you take real footage of the home and you don’t miss out on key detailing regarding the home, neighbourhood and views.

3. Build a User-Friendly Website

Websites are your online home. When you fail to implement an amazing structure to your website, you will keep getting a lot of new and returning visitors. But this possibility will happen when you invest not only in a beautiful user experience, but in a simplified system design.

Even Search Engine Journal believes without creating something that makes logical sense, your other SEO, content, and even design efforts may be for nothing. A good website structure should have a significant impact on SEO traffic and conversion.

So, you must ensure your website fulfils all the vital requirements regarding usability and functionality. Since you’re in the real estate market, use a lot of pictures to communicate the luxurious experience a lot of homes can give, then have a simple contact form wherein people can reach you for more information.

4. Host a Webinar

Webinars are getting more traction than physical conferences. With social distancing rules, hosting webinars save a lot of logistics costs for many companies and industries. And if you’ve not convinced the client enough to take them on a tour, a webinar is a great place to start.

When you want to host a webinar, you need to find an efficient platform that can contain the number of people you’ve invited. Zoom has captured the heart of many individuals in the tech space with its efficient and astounding platform which can host hundreds of people.

With a great webinar hosting tool, you can reach out to individuals who are still contemplating a decision to do business with you as a realtor.

5. Structure an Email Campaign

Emails still give the highest conversion rate among all other advertising platforms in the world. Your email marketing conversion rate is the percentage of subscribers who complete a goal action after reading your email. This is an important metric for most marketers, as it shows how effective your email marketing is and determines your return on investment. (Campaign Monitor).

But in creating an email, you need to use the right structure, language, and target market to make it work. One solid advantage email gives any realtor in the digital marketing space is the ability to personalize messages. Of course, personalization is one of the biggest digital marketing trends in the world.

6. Invest in SEO

Search engine optimization holds an important position for realtors who seek to use digital marketing strategies to grow their business. When you don’t understand and completely utilize SEO, you’re short-changing yourself – you’ll spend more where you should spend less.

Search Engine Journal believes being highly visible as a trusted resource by Google and other search engines is always going to work in a brand’s favor. Quality SEO and a high-quality website take brands there. Additionally, implementing the right SEO techniques can push your realtor business to a higher level.

But to deal with SEO, you need to have sound background knowledge of the concept, and this is difficult to find. You might find a few, but many of them will lack detailing and won’t offer further guidance. There’s already an article on the core basis of SEO in the link below that will offer you a great background understanding.

Further Reading: What is SEO and How It Works for Small Businesses in 2021

7. Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media platforms have grown at a steady pace over the years. And their popularity and influence keep looming. Facebook is the biggest social media platform powering over 2 billion users on its platform. With this pile of users, the company has developed accurate strategies through which individuals and companies can do business on their platform.

Social media remains one of the strongest links between a company and its customers. With the right social media strategy in place, you can keep in touch with your customers, expand the reach and increase your brand awareness, and spend less cost on advertising.

Creating a social media strategy requires a powerful level of experience, especially when you’re a realtor looking to leverage this aspect of digital marketing. However, we’ve already structured something that will give you a complete breakdown of how you can sell your brand on social media effectively.

Further Reading: 15 Reasons Why Marketing Through Social Media is a Must For Every Small Business

8. Create Astounding Blog Content

As a realtor leveraging digital marketing, you must create a great marketing funnel that will help you take people from the stage of awareness to a place of purchase. In the place of awareness, you must position yourself as a brand that can deliver on its promises.

A great way to show your capabilities without running a set of sponsored ads is creating astounding blog content. With a great blog content, you build belief in people that you’re the go-to professional in the realtor business. And this will be a unique advantage for you considering your competitors don’t value this aspect of the business.

9. Use Google Listing

If you’re not visible on Google, then you aren’t visible anywhere in the world. In fact, Google has made listing so easy that you can complete the entire process with a few button pushes. You only need to list key essentials such as your business location, email, and contact information.

By listing themselves on Google, businesses can show up when people search for products or services they offer, giving interested customers an opportunity to learn more or make a purchase.

Because everyone first makes an online search about a business before considering them, this strategy helps businesses attract new customers and share information about what makes them special without so much effort.


I bet it’s obvious to you that as a realtor; you need digital marketing to help give your brand a potent name in the market. By duly following all the key strategies outlined in this content, you will face fewer problems boosting sales online.

However, you don’t need to follow them one by one when you can do something better. Something that will save you time, money, and give your sales a much higher boost. Something that will help you stay on top of your competition at every time without you doing the thinking.

Let Socialander help you boost your sales. By steadily providing strategies and insight into different aspects of digital marketing, we will help you increase your profits in less time. Book a free consultation session with us today by clicking I want a Free Consultation Session, so we can set up your profit building formula.

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