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Using Social Media Stories To Boost Brand Visibility & CRO

In the early days of Whatsapp Stories, the platform’s stories turned many people off. How can people be interested in short-lived content that disappears in 24 hours? When they have such a short lifespan, why would brands want to create them? They were wrong. It is no longer a secret that social media stories are popular, and have ranged from Instagram to Facebook, and now even to YouTube. Stories can make a significant impact on a brand when used correctly, and they’re changing the face of social media. Check out what this means for marketers as we take a look at how it could be achieved. How Do Social Media Stories Work? Social media Stories are mobile, full-screen, vertical videos and images that show outside of your regular feed and extinguish after 24 hours. The only caveat is that some apps like Instagram allow you to organize your temporary images into collections for later viewing. However, even though Stories are temporary, the sense of scarcity created by their absence makes viewers want to stay connected. When you have engaged fans who love your content, Stories allow you to give them a chance to see more before it vanishes. If you have a loyal following who love your content, then Stories allow you to make sure they get to see it before it vanishes. Your audience is immersed in the story not just because it’s full-screen, but also because it’s shared at the moment. You can let your followers know what is happening right now in your life by posting Stories, especially impromptu images and videos. It gives them a glimpse into your day and allows them to feel like they are part of it because they are invited in. What Makes Stories So Unique? A story is a mobile-first feature that is designed for mobile devices as well as created via mobile devices. According to Techjury, there are over 500 million active daily Instagram Stories users. 70% of Instagram users watch stories daily. Instagram has 398 million followers. Brands stand to gain a great deal of visibility through stories. There are more than 500 million daily Instagram Stories users out of over 1 billion monthly active Instagram users. As the popularity of Stories grows, the number of brands’ Instagram impressions from Stories will likely rise.  Because they are immersive and interactive, stories are incredibly popular. By adding app-specific lenses, animations, stickers, and music, you can present the world with a glimpse of your personal life. You can also interact with Instagram through lists, polls, surveys, and even a prompt that allows other users to ask you questions. You can use this to engage your audience in a wide variety of ways. All in all, Stories enhance the brand experience online by adding transparency and authenticity – attributes that millennials and Gen Z users now demand from brands and influencers. Storytelling is very challenging, which encourages a relaxed style that reveals a lot more about the speaker. Stories have a short, fast format that changes how we consume social media and how we consume video on social networks. Thousands of people watch Stories each day, so including an extensive amount of content in them is perfectly acceptable. Creating tons of Stories content is the key to Stories success, so don’t be afraid to share often and regularly. Because Stories are temporary and immediate, users are captivated by the opportunity to explore, engage, and witness a moment in time that won’t last forever. In light of this, viewers are more likely to view Social Media Stories and content from their favourite brands and influencers. How To Keep Up With Social Media Stories Be prepared to create more content than you do now to successfully integrate Stories into your social media marketing strategy. Because Stories are in the moment and dynamic, adapt your storytelling method for scalable, individualized content. You can repurpose your Instagram Stories content into regular posts on Instagram and other platforms if it’s scalable. In the long run, this will save you time and money. It’s best to upload a few at a time for maximum metrics when you’re posting Stories. Publish a ton of vertical videos and photos in advance, then post them slowly over time – whether you plan on creating content for a week or longer. Editing doesn’t have to be perfect for your Stories. Story content can be produced at a low cost, but ensure that it is of high quality. You can always add music by using Instagram’s robust Stories tool if your content doesn’t have any audio. 60% of Stories are viewed with sound on. Conclusion Social media Stories are here to stay as they have gained strong adoption over the years. You must start incorporating fresh, scalable video into your strategy now, as they are actively becoming more and more important to both businesses and users. Without it, you will be left behind.

How To Perform a Social Media Audit Effectively For Results

To understand how to conduct a social media audit, you need to use social media to market your business. Social media audits aren’t as terrifying as they may sound. The development or updating of a social media marketing strategy goes hand-in-hand with this. Analyzing your social media accounts provides you with detailed information about how the networks are performing. The following guide includes all the instructions you need for performing a social media audit effectively.  What is a Social Media Audit? An audit of your social media campaigns is nothing more than your organization’s roadmap to social media success. It allows you to keep track of all your social media metrics in one place. By regularly updating your social media audit, you will have the ability to tell what is working, what isn’t, and what needs to be improved. Your brand’s monthly social media performance can be monitored with ease by pulling in data from all of your brand’s social media accounts into a spreadsheet. You can use it to determine how well a season has performed.  How to Execute a Social Media Audit Social media audits follow certain processes to ensure their completeness. These processes include: Keep each account up-to-date and in-line with your brand Take the time to review each account thoroughly after you’ve logged everyone so that you’re sure it’s consistent with your corporate image. Each social media account must be examined separately. Please check your brand voice, hashtags, and images against the brand style guide to ensure they are current. Each social account should be checked based on the following elements: Handle(s) Is it possible to manage your social media accounts across multiple platforms at once? As a general rule, if you can, you should. Depending on the purpose of your accounts, you might need different handles. Ensure your handles are consistent across social platforms by checking your notes if you need to make updates. Profile/bio text A social media bio has a limited amount of space to work with, so you need to utilize it effectively. All fields should be filled out with current brand messaging and be filled in completely and accurately. Links Make sure you link to your homepage, an informative landing page, a recent blog post, or an ongoing campaign. Although not all your social accounts need to link to the same page, it’s vital to keep track of what you’re linking from where. Profile and cover images Follow the social network’s requirements regarding image size and ensure your images match your brand. Pinned posts Be sure those pinned posts remain relevant and up-to-date by evaluating them regularly. Verification There is no more to it than a yes/no answer. Do you have a checkmark badge on your account indicating your account is verified? Is it necessary to make it mandatory? For those who desire to achieve Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook verification, you can follow a simple verification process. Monitor your entire social media presence If you can remember all of your social accounts in your head, you may think you can list them all. Is that the case? You and your team should create a list of all the accounts you access regularly. This may cover some of your bases, but it doesn’t cover them all. If your company did not have a social strategy, you might find old profiles. Then again, they might have been abandoned. Alternatively, perhaps various units within your company have accounts on social media, but they are not organized or unified. You’ll have to do some legwork to ensure that your company’s social media accounts are properly audited. Keep track of all accounts relevant to your search. If you need to research any accounts further, note them. There may be a problem with determining whether the account was created by someone at your company or if it was created by a scammer. Keep a record of all unowned accounts and the steps you took to have these accounts closed in your audit document. Contact each account holder directly to determine the source of the problem, since it may be a communication breakdown or an overly passionate fan taking things too far. When you can’t resolve a matter on your own, don’t hesitate to enlist the help of social networks. Set up an account monitoring program once you’ve identified all the relevant accounts to track down future impostor accounts. Also, you should identify social networks on which you don’t yet have an account. After that, you can think about whether they should be part of your strategy. Assess the performance of the channels This step tracks overall channel performance, rather than tracking the performance of specific posts. The time is now for your company to develop a mission statement and set a few priorities for each social network. Since you don’t know what you want to achieve when you evaluate your performance, it is impossible to evaluate that performance. An Instagram account aiming to increase follower engagement would not compare well to a Twitter account primarily focused on customer service. Identifying the key metrics for each social channel you use should be part of your mission statement. The most important metrics to track here are website traffic and conversions. It’s nice to have followers on your social channels, but the real ROI happens when followers become customers or leads. Select your most successful posts Keep track of the three most engaging posts on each account. In your social media audit template, include links to these top-performing posts. You can execute this process using several analytics guides. Then, review these posts to see if there are any patterns. What kind of response do you get from posting photos? How about videos? Are people responding to your Facebook page posts in the same way as they do on Instagram? Write your thoughts about the patterns you find in the notes column of your audit document. Next time you perform a social media audit for your company, test your theories